Monday, August 22, 2011

So I'm going to start a blog...

OK, I have decided to start a blog.  Why some of you might be asking?  For several reasons 1. I love talking about my kids and wanted a way to be able to remember everything that they do and how they keep Steve and I entertained! and 2. In my job I have come across many wonderful things that help me out as a mom and wanted to have a place to share these things with all my fellow moms!  As much as we want to believe we can do it all, we really cant (but we will keep that a secret among us) so with my blog I will share services I have found that have made my life much easier!!

I hope you will read it from time to time atleast for a smile.  My goal is to keep this light and fun and to give you a break from the real world!

Well I must go pick the girls up from tumbling, so have a great night and remember when life gives you lemons just make margaritas! (Thank you Amber for telling me about that shirt, it is my new motto)

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