Monday, March 5, 2012

Follow your own Trail!

So many times as parents I think we get so caught up in the day-to-day stuff," the parent guilt", and making sure we are living our lives to the format we "think" we are supposed to live that we forget it's OK to make your own trail!

 Lauren reminded me of this recently as she crawled onto my lap to thank me for giving her the best day.  To me it was just a day but not to her.  Want to know why this is the best day ever she asked?  Because we went to BBD for breakfast, I have a wiggly tooth, I get to spend the night with Nanny and Pop-Pops and Peyton gave me her old I-Touch and now it's mine!

So as you are juggling and re-juggling your schedule to make everything work (which magically it always does) remember to take the time to live life on the same level as your child.  I have to stop and remind myself that the girls dont really care  if the house is spotless, if all the laundry is put away or the beds are made. What they do care about is that on a beautiful Sunday afternoon I said who cares about the house, let's go on a hike (which, of course we got lost, but I reminded them we were not lost we were on our on trail!)

Walk on the trail that is best for you and your family, it's amazing that without even trying you can make memories that will last forever!

Have a great Monday...

1 comment:

  1. awesome post, Karen :o) Kids are the same as they get older too! Just like us, they just want time spent with them.
